Lime Counseling

Because Life Doesn't Always Hand You Lemons

Thank you for your interest in Lime Counseling.  

We are built from the idea that life doesn't always give you lemons. 

"When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade."  

You may be familiar with this popular expression.  A suggested course of action to deal with life's "lemons".  

However, what if life doesn't give you lemons? What if you are handed limes?  

What if you are handed cabbage or a tomato, or nothing at all? 

We understand how you can feel unsure, scared, overwhelmed, confused, ashamed, or embarrassed when life hands you something that you aren't prepared for or don't have a clue how to begin to navigate.  

That is why Lime Counseling is here!   

We understand most people experience situations where they can use support, encouragement, direction, comfort, & safety.  

Having a safe, welcoming, confidential environment is something we take seriously.  

Leading you to a healthier, happier life is our ultimate goal.  

We look forward to connecting with you.